My Words to Live By

What is success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; That is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In God We Still Trust

Aaron and I spent our afternoon practicing a new song to sing at a revival tomorrow night, and I want to share the lyrics of this song with you. The lyrics are so moving to me as both a Christian and as an American.

In God We Still Trust
Written By: Rob LeClair, Bill Nash, Kim Nash
Performed By: Diamond Rio

You place your hand on His Bible when you swear to tell the truth.
His name is on our greatest monuments and all our money, too.
When we pledge allegiance, there's no doubt where we stand.
There's no separation. We're one nation under Him.

In God we still trust!
Here in America, He's the one to turn to
Every time the going gets tough.
He is the source of all our strength, the one who watches over us.
Here in America, in God we still trust!

Now there are those among us who want to push Him out,
Erase His name from everything this country's all about.
From the schoolhouse, to the courthouse, they're silencing His word.
And now it's time for all believers to make our voices heard!!

In God we still trust!
Here in America, He's the one to turn to
Every time the going gets tough.
He is the source of all our strength, the one who watches over us.
Here in America, in God we still trust!
Here in America, in God we still trust!

Our country is a wonderful nation of freedom, but the more God is being taken out of our country, the farther our nation falls. Want evidence?? Just watch the news, walk around the mall, turn on your television, or - I hate to say it after the recent shooting - go to the movies. A couple of Sundays ago leaving church after the evening service, I turned on the radio to what I thought was a family station only to be greeted by a vulgar commercial about contraceptives. What is happening to our nation that I can't even turn on the local country radio station without wondering what I'll hear?

I thought after 9/11 that America had gotten the wake-up call needed, but I fear that 11 years later, we're worse than ever before. Do you recall what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? It honestly scares me when I read that story and then look at our society today. God destroyed the two cities for their sinful ways. What about Ninevah?? God sent Jonah to warn them that He would destroy them if they did not repent and turn to Him. How many warnings do we get as a nation before God allows us to crumble?

Have you read the studies where theologians question the existence of America in the end times? I'm not a Biblical expert, but the depth of research gone into those studies does make me wonder what will happen to our nation over time. But I'll tell you one thing I don't wonder about: where I'll be for eternity. I want to do my part here on earth to give other people the same certainty I have about Heaven. God needs Christians to take a stand not only for America's sake, but for Heaven's sake!! He needs us to stand firm in our faith in everything we do and everywhere we go.

Follow this link to see a video of the Diamond Rio version of this song.

No Pain, No Gain!

Whew! I'm exhausted!

It's been a very trying past three weeks for me while I've been studying for my state insurance exams in preparation for my new job, but I'm almost finished! Just a comprehensive test and the state exam left to conquer before I start this new career. One thing is certain, life is about to drastically change at my house!

My carpal tunnel has really been causing me a lot of pain since I've been spending hours every day clicking away on online exams, scrolling through study materials, and handwriting notes, so please say a prayer for me. This pain runs throughout both hands, fingers, and wrists (even up to my elbow at times), and it is causing a real issue because I'm not able to type much, which is hurting the progress of my novel (you'd think that two hand surgeries would have done the trick, but, oh well).

But you know what I realized today while I was rubbing my wrists and wishing the pain would go away? I believe this pain is Satan's way of trying to hold me back, trying to stop me from accomplishing my goal, to stop me from reaching my deadline. Well, Devil, I'm going to burst your bubble! I will not let you stop me from doing what God's called me to do.

Whatever Satan is trying to stop you from accomplishing or however he wants to hold you back in life, don't let him!! With God's help, you can defeat the devil and whatever he throws in your path. He may be a pain in the neck (or- in my case- the hand), but he has no authority over you because you are a child of the almighty, all-powerful God!

Modern Day Miracle

A family member shared this story on Facebook, and I'm passing it along to you. It is a fantastic reminder that God holds us in His hands ALWAYS. He knows what our future holds and has plans for our lives, even in the worst situations. He is in control, and I am so thankful for that!

Bible Quiz Time!

I've spent the last couple of week studying for my state insurance exams, and today I started thinking about tests. If you were given a test on the Bible, would you pass??

Knowing what we believe is extremely important, and we should all spend time regularly studying our Bibles. To brush up on some basic Bible stories, I'm going to start posting Bible questions on my blog regularly, and maybe we'll all learn something new!!

Ephesians 6 tells us this:
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

God has given us His Word as a piece of armor, but it is only helpful if we USE IT. To use it, we must first know it, which is why studying the Bible is so important.

Here are a few basic questions about the Bible to get us started. If you know the answers, great!! If you don't know the answers, this is a great opportunity for you to look them up and learn!

1. How many books are in the Bible?

2. What four books make up the Gospels?

3. Who built an ark?

4. Who was cast into the lions' den?

5. Who fought Goliath?

6. What two cities did God destroy for their sin?

7. What is the last book of the Old Testament?

8. Where did Jesus go to pray with his disciples before being captured?

9. What was the name of the tree from which Eve ate the fruit?

10. Which disciple walked on the water towards Jesus?

If you have any questions about the Bible you think I should post, email me!! I'd love to hear your suggestions!!

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the Bible as armor, and help us to use it every day to draw closer to you and to further your kingdom.
In Jesus' name,

Tired of Being Tolerant

When it comes to standing up for biblical principles, the founder of Chick-fil-A has recently shown that he isn't chicken (pun intended). As a result, media representatives are speculating that his boldness in support of the biblical concept of family may hurt his business.

Well, Chick-fil-A may lose some business over this, but they've earned mine! I purposely went out of my way to visit a Chick-fil-A after I read the news stories because I want to support people who take a stand for Christ. Too many of us are afraid of what will happen, what people will say if we stand up for Jesus, and we're too chicken to take the risk. I applaud this man for his bold support of upholding the Christian family values taught in the Bible.

I read that the mayor of Boston is trying to ban the Chick-fil-A franchise from his city because he says the company is being "intolerant." Well, you know what?? Maybe it's time we as Christians started being less tolerant of the world! The world sure isn't tolerant of us!

Society has banned prayer from schools and bashed the Ten Commandments. We've been called "backward thinkers" and criticized because we believe that unborn children are God's creations and that homosexuality is a sin.

At this rate, how long before we are forced to worship in secrecy, to hide our Bibles for fear of them being taken away, to skip the blessing when we go out to eat for fear of being tormented when we bow our heads? How long???

I love all people and don't judge others for their choices. A sin is a sin, and Lord knows I've had more than my share!! But my Christian love for people does not mean I condone or support their actions. My beliefs are firm, and I will stand up for them.

I do not understand why Christians are expected to be tolerant of everyone else when today's society is not tolerant of us. If we say we believe something is wrong, we're accused of hatred. If we're offended by something society does, it's our own fault for believing what we do. Society deems us radicals and belittles our beliefs in the media. However, when society says Christians are wrong or complains that our beliefs are offensive to non-Christians, what do we do?

We sit back and take it.

I'm tired of taking this sitting down. I'm tired of being labeled as the offensive one because I believe in Christ and the teachings of the Bible.

And I'm tired of Christians being chicken to speak up for our God.
Are you??

We have the freedom to worship and to share our beliefs, but the next generation of believers won't have those freedoms if we keep up this same attitude. It's time to stop being tolerant and to start taking a stand for Jesus Christ. Don't be chicken!

Cabin Fever

"Lord, build me just a cabin in the corner of gloryland, in the shade of that tree of life that it may ever stand, where I can just hear the angels sing and shake Jesus' hand. Lord, build me a cabin in the corner of gloryland."

For some reason, this song has been stuck in my head for a week now! Everyone has certain songs that take them back to childhood in such an overwhelming sense that it feels like that was only yesterday. This song does that for me, and so much more.

When I was three years old, I sang this song in front of my church with help from my daddy singing along and his daddy playing the guitar- or the "Git- tarr" as Granddaddy used to say. Then, about six years later, we sang this song again in front of the same little country church, but this time with my little brother, who was about three years old then.

Last night, I had the amazing privilege of watching my little brother perform live with an entire jazz orchestra. I know those of you who are parents or siblings will understand the rush of pride that is still washing over me this morning. I see so many bright things in his future and firmly believe that God has HUGE plans for this talented young man. I don't believe God bestows such wonderful talents without intentions of using them to His glory if we allow Him to do so, and I'm so proud that my brother is allowing God to use him.

Yet sometimes we forget that every talent, every blessing comes from God. IT IS GOD'S. My writing ability isn't mine - it's God's. My brother's voice isn't really his - it's God's. If you are a child of God, everything you have belongs to Him, and He has given it to you to use for His glory.

Are you using what He has given you?
Are you glorifying Him with your talents?
Or are you focused on yourself, building up mansions on earth?

Matthew 6:19-21 says,

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Well, as much as I like nice things here on earth, I'd trade any earthly goods for just a small cabin in the corner of gloryland just to be in the presence of the Lord. I hope you would, too.

Help us today to remember that everything we own belongs to You. When we get distracted by earthly things, remind us that our cabin awaits in gloryland. We love you and thank you so much for that!
In Jesus' name,


**If you don't remember this oldie but goodie, please visit to hear the Hank Williams version. It reminds me so much of my granddaddy's tenor singing along!

Hit the Pause Button

"Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort." -Theodore Roosevelt

When I decorated my home office, framing this quotation and hanging it on my wall where it would be seen every day was the finishing touch. When I feel frustrated and overwhelmed for whatever reason, this makes me pause, step back, take a deep breath, and look at my situation objectively. When I do this, I come to either one of two conclusions: what I'm working so hard toward is either worth it or it's not.

On my office walls, you'll also find quotes such as "Consider the lilies," "Be thankful the thornbush has roses," "Bloom where you are planted," and "Take time to smell the roses" (detect a theme?? lol). These floral-inspired sayings are great motivational tools, but the quote that really sums up all the others is written on my chalkboard- "Now and then, it is good to PAUSE in our pursuit of happiness and just BE HAPPY."

Sometimes, we are such "busy bees" that we don't take time to just "be." This doesn't mean being lazy; it means taking advantage of the happiness found in every moment. Spending time with your husband when he's soon leaving for a business trip is more important that folding laundry, playing with your toddler is more important that what's happening on Facebook, studying for your big exam is more important than watching your favorite television show (that's what DVR is for!).

I struggle with prioritizing my time, but I'm determined to do better as I prepare to start my new 8-5 job in a couple of weeks. I don't want to simply do what needs to be done every day- I want to make the most of everything I do and enjoy the process. Yesterday morning on Rachel Ray, Jennifer Hudson was the special guest, and they were talking about exercise, saying you had to make it more like "recess" when you were in elementary school rather than "gym time." That's a great point!

I encourage you and me both to make life fun! Who says folding laundry or cooking dinner has to be boring!! When I cook, sometimes I put on high heels and a cute apron, then pretend I'm hosting my own cooking show lol. Try it sometime!! Work has to be done; that's a given. But that doesn't mean you can't take time to enjoy what you're doing.

Today, I challenge you to pause in your pursuit of happiness and just be happy!!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for all of the blessings you have in store for me today. Please help me not to be so busy that I miss out on them.
In Jesus' name,

New Beginnings

Whew! This summer has been rather crazy, and I've been neglecting my blog. So sorry! A lot has been going on in my life, about which I am very excited. Here's just a quick update: I am taking classes this month to become licensed to sell insurance in Alabama (I'm cramming for my first big test all day today), I start my new job in August (assuming I pass my classes!), Aaron and I just moved our church membership (love my new church!), and my novel is coming along great!!

As of today, I'm starting a new chapter with my media ministry. In addition to posting blog updates daily, I plan to start an webpage for my church family and a Myspace Music page for myself and my family's singing group Joyful Noise!

I really appreciate your prayers as I strive to do all that I feel God is leading me to do. He's going to keep me very busy!! LOL

Take a moment to check out my music page-

Joyful Noise has slowed down a bit because we have been unable to work around everyone's schedule, but I'd love to come sing at your church! Just send me an email and let's set a date:

God Bless!